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Giving Staffing a Good Name

August 19, 2013

New Rules Beginning July 1 2013 - Please Help
This is the third communication (two from me and one from Tricia) you should have received about the New G-Code Rules that went into effect on July 1, 2013. I apologize in advance for those of you already up on it, but there are still some who are not where they need to be. So, here are the main highlights I got from Mary Daulong who is the best expert I know on the subject.
The G-Codes apply to all Medicare Part B Patients. It does not matter if the patient’s Part B coverage is primary or secondary. We still have to follow the new G-Code guidelines.
Also, all Rehab Agencies as well as CORFs are required to follow the G-Code rules.
This applies to all PT, OT, and SLP professionals.
If you have evaluated a Part B patient since July 1 and not followed the G-Code regulations, please go back and rectify the mistake. Our customers will not be paid without the G-Codes being used.
Tricia Can Send You G-Code Forms
If you need any help with forms, please ask Tricia to send them to you. Tricia not only has the forms Mary Daulong sent me, she also has forms from Rehabcare that you should use at their facilities. Both Mary and Rehabcare have given us permission to share these forms with you.
Stambush is the Best...Still
I recently interviewed a therapy professional who was very diligent about choosing which agency to join. I believe this person was diligent in his/her search of the right agency because this person was diligent about every other aspect of the interview process (from testing to filling out paperwork and delivering the right documentation). So, what did this person say about us? As best as I can remember, here is what he/she said:
Therapy Professional: According to everybody I talk to, Stambush has its act together more than any other agency.
Me: What makes you say that?
Therapy Professional: Well, other agencies don’t seem to know who they are sending or they keep changing the names.
Me: Anything Else?
Therapy Professional: Lately, an agency kept switching out the names for an assignment and then when the day of the assignment came, the therapist did not even show up.
Me: Why was that?
Therapy Professional: I think the agency blamed it on the therapist.
Top Two Reasons They Do That?
I think that the top two reasons many therapist from other agencies do not show up for work is because:

        Many agencies will go back on their word if they can get more money or a longer term assignment somewhere else.
        Many agencies book a therapist without making sure they have someone available. They book first and look later. Opposite of Stambush where we have an agreement that our Talent will go where assigned and the assignment will be within the Talent’s parameters.

Unfortunately, I think many times the therapist has his/her reputation thrown under the bus because the agency is too chicken to tell the customer the truth. That could come back to haunt them down the road because sooner or later the therapist has to know that their agency is dirtying their name. And then it becomes a question of, “Why would you work for an agency that dirties your name”?
Your Reputation
In light of the above, we here at Stambush know that our reputation and your reputation are linked together and we act accordingly.

The Straight Shooter